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Couldn't they simply demote you, give you the option of working for less, or working fewer hours per week? Is this part of a general layoff going on at the company, because if it is, then it is common to chop the workers who make the most and it is not illegal. However, if you are the ony woman working there, their decision to lay you off may violate affirmative action/equal opportunity regulations and even the company's own policy.

I would try to find out what others in your position, especially your male co-workers, make. You could also contact your local EEOC office who will investigate if it is believed that you are being discriminated against.

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Q: What if a company gives you three raises in 2yrs than says they have to let you go because they pay you to much and you are the only woman working for them in this field of more than 600 employees?
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