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Then they are gay!



It is a reasonable question, you may want to ask his advice about a subject related to marriage if you are not yet married yourself.

You might be wanting to arrange a party and need to know if you need to invite his wife/partner as well.

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11y ago

He wants to know how many years you've been alive (how old you are) and whether you're married or not.

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It's none of your prospective employer's business and they should not ask you. Send/ attach your resume which should concern only your own achievements. Only when you're hired and applying for benefits should you mention marital status, children/dependents etc.

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yeah bby

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Insure a car by contacting an agent to discuss the options for coverage. You can also get quotes online. You will answer questions about the vehicle, where you live, the purposes for which the vehicle is used, miles drive daily, where the car is parked overnight and personal information regarding your age, driving record, employment, marital status and possibly your credit status. Go to You can get multiple quotes from several companies. If you don't have an insurance agent, ask for recommendations from friends or family.

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Yes, there are several that you may not ask a job applicant, and some you cannot ask an employee. In general, they include age (you CAN ask if a person is old enough to perform a job with age restrictions) religion, national origin, maritial status, sexual orientation, etc. You can ask about criminal CONVICTIONS, but not arrests.

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You find another girl, of any age (but maybe your own age will be a better chance), befriend her, and then ask her out.

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If you are being interviewed for a job. The interviewer is not allowed to ask questions about your religious beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, nor the service or recreational groups you belong to. A polite decline to answer is preferable to the admonishment "You can't ask me that." However, if you do not answer they do not have to give you the job. If the interviewer is a reporter or some such, then it is up to you what you do or do not tell them, after all it is your life.

How do you ask question on?

You go to the status boxand right next to the word status you see it ! :)