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It can take from 3 months to 9 months, but make sure you put a plaster over it!

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Q: What if a toenail got ripped off how long will it take for a new one to grow back so i can go to camp?
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Can you lose a toenail and still survive?

Yes you still can survive the toenail will slowly grow back.

So I have a badly ingrown toenail gross I know and the doctors said that I have no option other than to remove the whole of my toenail Will it grow back over time?

The toenail will grow back over time to a more functional usage.

Will soaking your ripped off toenail in salt water help?

Yes, that will help prevent any infection. Then, put some antibiotic cream on the wound...where the toenail used to be. Then, if you want, put a band-aid on the area to keep it clean. Don't worry, they grow back eaisily!

How long those a take for a toenail to grow back?

About a month

If you Kick a rock and your toenail falls off will it grow back ok this i gonna sound icky but i kicked a rock and my toenail came clean off and im worried another Toenail wont grow back in its place?

It should do...unless you're a zombie.

Will hair grow back on your head if it has been ripped out and your a women?

yes your hair will grow backwill grow back.

Why do dogs toenail grow longer in the front then in the back?

because they can eat better

What makes a toenail fall off?

If you drop something heavy on your toenail, it will kill the nailbed and it will fall off. Usually will grow back eventually.

If a toenail falls of and it doesn't hurt will it grow back?

Yes, it will grow back. It is called Regenerationand not use cells make it grow back. Regenration is use with nails and hair. So yes it will grow back.

Do fingernails that are ripped off grow back?

yes they grow back takes a while tho have lost a couple myself but they do grow back the same as before

What medical treat for a toenail that fell off?

I think you just wrap it and wait for it to grow back.

What do you do to protect the nailbed if a toenail does not grow back?

In order to protect your toenail, you should:Soak it in epsom salt,Put a bandage around it to prevent dirt or germs from infecting it,Wear shoes at all times.Your toenail will eventually grow back, but you need to keep taking care of it so it won't get infected, because that will prohibit growth of the new nail.