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Sometimes the foods you eat when you're pregnant give you indigestion and gas. Its natural. :)

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Q: What if i just have the mild cramping but not the spotting?
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What are the risks of hysterosonography?

The chief risks are mild spotting and cramping after the procedure.

Is pink discharge and cramping a sign of pregnancy?

Sometimes spotting (pink discharge) and mild cramping are signs of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. However, you may be ovulating and experiencing mittelschmerz (middle of the month pain or ovulation pain). Spotting can sometimes occur with ovulation. If you continue to experience spotting and pain, see your physician.

Can you be pregnant if youre spotting and cramping?


You were only spotting for not even a full day and having some bad cramping?

You were only spotting for not even a full day and having some bad cramping?

What are negative side effects of Essure?

The Side effects during or immediately after the procedure may include mild to moderate cramping, nausea/vomiting, dizziness/light-headedness, and bleeding/spotting

Would you miscarry if you experience cramping and black spotting?

See a doctor/go to the ER, A.S.A.P. Mild spotting during pregnancy is not uncommon but if it is heavy, dark, and/or you are clotting/passing tissue it is usally something serious like a miscarriage, etopic or molar pregnancy...

Can feel like the start of a period be signs of pregnancy?

Yes. Mild cramping, sore breasts, light spotting, every body getting on your nerves, fatigue. All signs that your period is coming, but it never does. Must be pregnant!

How is it I find the endometrial biopsy SO painful and should I have been given an anesthetic?

I recently just had the endometrial biopsy and found this to be the most painful thing I have ever been through (although I have not had a child).. I was not given an anesthetic. I noticed when researching the biopsy that some doctors choose to give pain relief, however my doctor did not. I was also not explained to about how much it would hurt. Was told I would have mild cramping and maybe some spotting. I had the procedure done last Thursday and still today (Monday) I am having cramping especially after eating. As for the spotting, I stopped spotting on late Saturday night. Hope this helps

I have had cramping on my stomach and then I was bleeding So I thought that I got my first period but now on your pad there is brown not red Is it still blood?

yes its just spotting

In what month does cramping start?

Im only 7 weeks, and i cramp all the time. its not bad cramping, but its mild come and go type cramping..

You are 9 weeks pregnant and started Cramping and spotting should you go to the er?

It all depends on your color of blood and level of pain in cramping. If your spotting is pink or brown-ish... they say it is not as big of a problem as dark red and/or heavy bleeding. I read that the embryo implants deeper during the 9th week and sometimes causes spotting and cramping. But either way, go with your intuition... ER or not!

Can you have mild cramping in very early pregnancy?

yes you sure can