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If their is swelling from a head injury then you must seek professional medical advise from your GP or the hospital without delay; a swollen head injury can be representative of damage and simply MUST be checked out to be safe.


The human skull is one of the most protected area's of the human body, but that said it is also highly vulnerable to kinetic shock. (Meaning, if you bang your head it can do more damage than is apparent)

If someone bangs their head. The first thing you should do is check their level of consciousness. If that is unconscious, an ambulance must be called without delay.

If however the person is awake, it is ideal to check their alertness. A simple way to do this is to ask them their name, where they live and the last three digits of their telephone number. If the answers come quickly and clearly then the probability of any "damage" is very low.

However, if the answers are slow or slurred or if they can not answer any such basic questions as exampled above then an ambulance is required.

Once these basic questions have been asked. Place a single finger around 40cm from their face and ask the person to follow it with both eyes as you move it up, down, left and right. Then repeat the above with only one eye open. If this is done without problem then again, their is likely no damage.

The final thing is to ask if the person feels dizzy or sick. Also ask if the person has any apparent numbness in their faculties or weakness of the joints. Symptoms can represent concussion.

With any head injury it is advisable to have it checked out. However, I understand that is not always a practical step due to delays of being seen and convenience. Although officially advisable to seek medical assurance, the above steps are simple ways to ascertain if any likely hood of damage.

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