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They would get beat bloody.

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Q: What if the American slaves disobey their slave masters?
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Why were masters not kind to their slaves?

Masters were not kind to their slaves due to a belief in the superiority of their own race, a desire to maintain control and power over others, and economic interests that benefited from the labor of enslaved individuals. This unjust and oppressive system allowed masters to exploit and mistreat their slaves without consequence.

How were the slaves humiliated?

Because, they were property to their slave masters, and the slave masters could do anything that they wanted to the slaves in order for the slaves to keep their lives.

Slave masters did not allows slaves to play traditional African music?

slave masters wanted to erase the slaves' cultural identity.

Slave masters did not allow slaves to play traditional African music because?

slave masters wanted to erase the slaves' cultural identity.

Did slave masters threaten their slaves?

You can guarantee that

What is slave trade and servitude?

slave trade was when the masters that owned the slaves would sale them and other masters would buy them.

How did the people hurt the slaves?

People hurt slaves in various ways, including physical abuse such as whipping, beating, and torture. They also subjected slaves to psychological abuse by dehumanizing them, restricting their freedoms, and perpetuating a system of fear and control. Slaves were also often denied basic human rights, such as proper nutrition, healthcare, and living conditions.

Slave owners discouraged their slaves from creative expression because?

slave masters wanted to erase the slaves' cultural identity.

Why do slave masters need to capture slaves?

Slave masters needed to catch more slaves to make more money. They sold slaves for money. Their wealth was decided by the number and quality of slaves they had in stock. Sometimes, if they had farms, the more slaves that worked on the farms, the better.

Did the slave masters go checking in the night?

no. that is what the head slaves were in charge of.

What did slaves think of slave masters?

very mean and disrespectful and TERRIFYING

What did you call a person in charge of slaves?

Most sources referred to such people as "slave-owners" or "slave-masters."