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Most likely Salem would have kept up with the other ports and would have remained important for trade with the other colonies and countries because it hadn't been so caught up for over a year, spending all that money on trials and making people ignore work.

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Q: What if the Salem witch trials did not happen?
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When did the Salem witch trials happen?

1692 and 1693 in Salem Ma

Were the Salem witch trials scary?

The Salem witch trials were very scary, 'cause you didn't know what was to happen or if you could prove your innocence and be set free.

What American town is famous for witch trials?

The American town famous for the Witch Trials (called the Salem Witch Trials) is Salem, Massachusetts.

What state did the Salem witchcraft trials happen?

The Salem Witch Trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts.

Salem witch trials 1603 - 1606?

There were no witch trials in Salem in those years. The trials happened in 1692 and 1693.

Why did the Salem witch trials began in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

The Salem witch trials began in 1692.

Where were the Salem witch trials?

Salem, Massachusets.

What year did the Salem witch trials take place?

The Salem Witch Trials took place in 1692.

What genre is the story of the witch trials of Salem?

The Salem Witch Trials were a series of real historical events in Salem, Massaschusetts in 1692, NOT A STORY!

Were did the Salem witch trials start?

Salem, Massachusetts

What was the name of the witch trials of 1692?

The Salem witch trials happened in 1692.

What did the Salem witch trials eat?

The witch trials were an event. An event does not eat.