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Q: What if the biological parent is absent for the first part of the child's life and then wants custody rights?
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Does an absent parent have to financially support his child at university?

The terms of a custody agreement can vary. To determine if the absent parent is required to help pay for university, you must refer to your custody agreement.

Can a 9 yr old child have the right to live with grandparents in Pennsylvania?

The grandparents can request custody but unless there is a very good reason the court will award custody to the biological parent(s).The grandparents can request custody but unless there is a very good reason the court will award custody to the biological parent(s).The grandparents can request custody but unless there is a very good reason the court will award custody to the biological parent(s).The grandparents can request custody but unless there is a very good reason the court will award custody to the biological parent(s).

When the parent have joint custody and the child gets taken by social services who gets the child if one parent is found unfit?

Generally, if one parent is found to be unfit the other parent will have sole legal and physical custody. Courts favor the biological parent in regards to custody.Generally, if one parent is found to be unfit the other parent will have sole legal and physical custody. Courts favor the biological parent in regards to custody.Generally, if one parent is found to be unfit the other parent will have sole legal and physical custody. Courts favor the biological parent in regards to custody.Generally, if one parent is found to be unfit the other parent will have sole legal and physical custody. Courts favor the biological parent in regards to custody.

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Can someone other than biological parent file for joint custody?


Can a child see there biological parent if they don't have custody?

Only if the custodial parent agrees to it or if there is a court order for visitation.

Can a non custodial parent that has been absent for 6 years have the right to sign school contracts even though they have joint custody?

As a parent with joint custody, the school will allow them to sign anything related to their own child. If they have been absent from the child's life, contact your lawyer to make the necessary changes to your custody order.

Do step parents have legal rights to their step kids if the biological parent is unfit to take care of the kids?

Yes and no. If the biological parent is proven unfit to care for they're children then the step parent has the right to APPLY for custody of his/her step children. Keep in mind that being married to the biological parent doesn't automatically make them the parent of the children nor does it make them they're legal guardian so there are no guarantees that the step parent will be given custody. If the children are happy with the step parent and no one in the biological parents family protest the application and the step parent is proven fit to care for the child(ren) then most usually the courts will award the step parent custody.

what steps do i need to take to get custody of my son even though i am not the biological parent. what will i have to prove will i have to take a drug test do i have to have a job what rights do i have ?

If you are not the child's parent, you do not have priority in a custody dispute with a biological parent. If the custodial parent is unfit and this is proven by CPS, the child can be awarded to another family member. But since you are not related to the child and are not his parent, you don't have any rights.

You have custody of your son your ex is trying to take away your custody because you live with your fiance is it illegal in the State of Arkansas to live with someone and retain custody?

not if you are the biological parent

Can the non biological parent take a kid who is 17 cross state line from mossuri to Florida?

can a non biological ex step parent take the biologicals kid who is 17 years old female from missouri to tampa florida, biological parent has custody from first marriage

Can grandparent come and take a child from a stepparent if biological parent dies?

Not for final full custody. The court has to decide who the children will go to. If they have lived with stepparent for years and know him/her as a parent the stepparent have a chance for custody. If the biological parent have left a will with his/hers wishes, it will also play a part. It's all about what is best for the children. Get a lawyer.