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What if the child is 13 yrs old and want to move in with father if you have phyiscal custody of her?

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Q: What if the child is 13 yrs old and want to move in with father if you have phyiscal custody of her?
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She can move with his and the courts permission.

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If the father has legal custody the child should live with him. What does the custody agreement say?

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He will not be granted legal custody.

Can mother move to another state with out permission from father when no legal custody?

If the father has no legal custody, but is paying child support, he should be at least told. It's his child, too. The parents divorced each other - they did not divorce themselves from the child.

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it depends on your custody papers and what they say... if you have joint custody NO.... if you have residential custody maybe with court allowing it.... if you have sole custody then you would need to inform him but you could leave!!!

Can a single father move out of the state of Oklahoma with his child if he does not have full custody?

No. If the child's' mother calls the police you could loss custody of your child and possible go to jail. If I was you I would contact a lawyer who specializes in child custody cases. If you can get a notarized letter from the mother saying it is okay and giving you full custody.

What will happen if you don't have legal custody of your child and you move them to another state?

You cannot legally move a child out of state if you don't have legal custody. You would be kidnapping that child. If you are an unmarried father you must obtain proof of your paternity through the court and then you can petition for custody. Otherwise, you have no parental rights and if you take the child it will be a law enforcement matter.

If you're not married to the father of your baby and decide end the relationship who gets custody of the child and can you move the child to another state?

The court decides and no.

If you have sole legal and physical custody with the father allowed two day unsupervised visits can you move out of state and how will this affect visiting?

I get the feeling either this father is in prison or is not safe to be alone with your child. If you have sole custody of your child then you can move anywhere without the father's permission as long as it's not stated in the custody order that the father has that one hour visitation right twice per month. However, if it's working out where the father and child have a bond, then it's best to see a lawyer and try to work something out.

If the mother allows the child to move to their grandparents without informing the father of the change what can he do?

File a claim of child abandonment and for custody. see links below

Can the father of your child stop you from moving if there is no custody order in place?

no you have to stay with the parent that has custody

If the child's father has never seen her do you still need his permission to move out of state with her?

Only if he has custody or visitation rights with her. Otherwise, no.