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The ascending colon carries fecal matter to transverse colon. Along it's tract, bacteria digest the fecal material to release vitamins, nutrients and water.

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Q: What if the function of ascending colon?
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The colon travels upward from the cecum to the under surface of the liver?

The ascending colon extends from the cecum to the under surface of the liver where it turns to the left to become the transverse colon.

What is an ascending colon?

An ascending colon is a portion of the human colon which is adjacent to the small intestine.

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What are the 4 divisions of the colon?

There are actually more than 6. I believe they would be the cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, colic (or splenic) flexure, descending colon, and sigmoid colon.

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What extends from the hepatic flexure and the ascending colon?

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What is the function of the colon ascending?

Ascending Colon FunctionThe ascending colon is comprised of strong muscles that motor waste products upward and onward out of the body. As part of the larger gastrointestinal tract, the ascending colon connects and continues the work of the small intestine in moving food along on its journey through the body. This digested food matter is known as "chyme." Water and nutrients are extracted during this whole process, making overall colon function extremely important to a healthy lifestyle. Containing over 60 types of bacteria to assist with the digestion process, the ascending colon can be affected by a series of disorders of these bacteria levels are thrown out of balance for whatever reason.