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The President Pro Tempore of the Senate is next in the presidenial succession lift after the House Speaker.

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The order of presidential succession is: president, vice president, speaker of the house, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then all the Cabinet secretaries in the order their seat was added to the Cabinet, starting with the Secretary of State. The only time this would come into play is if there was a very large disaster that killed most of these people at once. If the president had to be replaced, and the vice president was available he would get the job...and the first thing he would do is to appoint a new vice president, who would then become president if the new one was unable to fulfill his duties.

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Q: What if the speaker of the house dies who would have to president then?
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If the House Speaker would become president due to the sudden deaths of both the president and vice president, he would nominate a new vice president who after confirmation by Congress would take his place if he died. If he were to die before a new vice-president was confirmed, the new Speaker of the House would take his place.

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If the House eaker dies, a new speaker is elected by the House.

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If the President and Vice President died, the Speaker of the House would become president. As of 2014, John Boehner is the Speaker of the House.

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If the president dies the vice president is responsible for stepping up as president. The vice president will do everything the president had previously done.

If the speaker of the house dies then who is the president?

The same person who was president before the speaker of the house died. In the order of presidential succession, the president pro tempore of the Senate is next after the House Speaker.