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That would just be weird i would feel stupid.

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Q: What if there is another color that the human eye cannot detect?
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Why do human beings see color?

There are certain cells in your eye retina that detect colour, called cone cells.

Was there ever other colors of the rainbow?

Most likely not, since the rainbow contains everypossible color that the human eye can detect.

Why does the human eye notices more variations in warmer colours than coolerones?

The human eye notices more variations of warmer colors than cooler colors because the human eye tends to focus on the warmer colors than the cooler colors the human eye is going to detect than warm color before the cool color because the warm color pops out.

If stars are blues and reds how come they look white?

The human eye has two different types of cell: cones for seeing color, and rods of seeing in low light. Since most stars do not provide us much light, we mostly see them with the rod cells in our eyes, which cannot detect color. It is possible to see the color of some stars, such as the red giant Betelgeuse.

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Yes, a human pedigree can be used to detect a recessive trait.

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humans smell over 100,000,000 smells!

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Humans are typically 99.9% alike to one another, but some genes like the hair color or the eye color are different.

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human sperm cannot get a cow pregnant. The only species humans can get pregnant with their sperm is another human.

Which wave can your eye detect?

If you mean, "which wavelengths of light can the human eye detect," the human eye can see wavelengths from about 390 to 700 nanometers.

Describe infrasonic and ultrasonic waves and explain why humans can not hear them?

The human ear cannot detect all possible frequencies. It has evolved to detect frequencies of sounds that are the most useful to humans, and has a maximum frequency range of about 20Hz to 20kHz, which decreases as you get older, particularly at the higher end. Infrasonic describes sounds that are too low in frequency to be heard by the human ear, and ultrasonic describes sounds that are too high in frequency to be heard by the human ear. These sounds cannot be heard by the human ear because they are outside of its range of capability.

How does the human eye detect the colors of a traffic light?

There's nothing really special here, it's simply the color of the light that enters our eyes is how we see the traffic light.

Why the wave length 700nm is red for human eye?

Our eyes are able to detect light with a wavelength between about 390nm to 750nm. Different colors are seen when the eyes detect different wavelengths. "Red" is just the name given to the color seen at around 700nm. Food for thought, does everyone see the same color red? (My guess is probably not)!