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If you are referring to vaginal discharge:

This sounds weird, but take whole organic PLAIN yogurt, and use it as a douche. It helps stabilize the pH and encourages beneficial bacteria to flourish. The fishy smell is caused by bad bacteria that somehow over populated due to poor diet, too much sex, etc. Clean thoroughly afterward of course. Acupuncture can help with chronic conditions.

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Q: What if you've been to the doctor and every test came back normal and you still have a lot of discharge that has a fishy smell?
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what causes a fishy odor after hysterectomy?

If you notice a foul odour or discharge, go see your doctor. It is likely an infection.

Is there a way to reduce discharge?

If you have a vaginal discharge you probably have a vaginal infection, particularlly if there is an odor. A yeast infection causes a white thick discharge and may cause itching. Hemophilus vaginitis can cause a greyish discharge with a "fishy" odor. Trichomoniasis is a STD that causes itching and burning. If you have a discharge, see your doctor it is not normal. Do not douche before you see the doctor, he will need to check the discharge to see what is causing it. If you douche too much this can cause a discharge. You actually never have to douche, douching can rinse away the normal vaginal fluids and the body will secrte more to replace them creating a vicious cycle, so stop douching.

Why does your boyfriend who is uncircumcised and his penis semen smell fishy after sex you smell bad too What can you do you are douching with vinegar every other day?

If you or your boyfriend have a "fishy" smell, then it is most likely that you have an STD. There are 2 in particular that are associated with a "fishy" odor and/or discharge. Both you and your boyfriend need to be evaluated by a doctor and receive the proper treatment. In general, women do not need to douche. It removes the protective naturally occurring bacteria and mucous from the vagina.

Is it normal for a circumcised penis to smell fishy?

No it is not normal for any penis to smell fishy, Circumcised or not, simple daily cleaning even with just clear water, should prevent any "fishy smell."

Is it normal when bleeding not to have a fishy odor?

haha i still get that:$ iano if its normal or not:O

Is fishy smell a sign of pregnancy?

i don't think so i think it's bacteria (vaginal discharge)

How do you get rid of fishy vaginal smell?

Soap and water. In difficult cases, you may need a vinegar & water douche. If it smells like rotten fish you have a infection and needs meds. The normal smell of a vagina is kinda fishy and you should never douche. Douching disrupts the natural flora of the vagina and makes it easier to get infections. The vagina is selfcleaning hence the discharge.

What std causing genital irritation and mild discharge?

TrichomoniasisIt is called Trich or trichomoniasis. It usually causes a fishy smell in women.

You find that you have a smell at times but a fishy smell but dont smell it till after you have had an orgasm?

The normal scent for a vagina is a kinda fishy smell so that is normal unless it smells like ritten fish. Then you probably have a yeast infection. To smell it after an orgasm is normal to since you have the vaginal fluids coming out.

Does plain yogurt really work for vaginal fishy smell?

No it does not. It's a myth. If you have a yeast infection the coolness can make the itch feel better but that's it. If it smells like rotten fish you have a infection and needs meds. The normal smell of a vagina is kinda fishy and you should never douche. Douching disrupts the natural flora of the vagina and makes it easier to get infections. The vagina is selfcleaning hence the discharge.

What causes a fishy order with no discharge?

A fishy odour is a sign of an overgrowth in bacteria.This can occur as a result of a temporary imbalance in pH, for example after penis-to-vaginal intercourse without a condom as the semen is more alkaline it makes the vaginal pH less acidic so more favourable to harmful bacteria that can cause this fishy odour. If the odour continues for a few days it may be a bacterial infection like Bacterial Vaginosis, where the harmful vaginal bacteria takes over from the healthy vaginal bacteria - this requires a trip to your doctor.

How do you get rid of fishy smells?

That's a bacterial infection and meds are at the pharmacy or you go see a gyno.The normal smell of a vagina is kinda fishy though but it shouldn't be like rotten fish.