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You are not if you're menstruating

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Q: What if you are getting the bleeding on the due date of mensuration orperhaps it is spotting how to confirm pregnancy?
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Related questions

Is bleeding during very early pregnancy normal?

Bleeding during pregnancy is not "normal" but some light spotting is reported by about 50% of women in early pregnancy.

Can spotting before your period be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes spotting can be a early sign of pregnancy it is cause from the egg implanting into the uterus causing some slight bleeding.

Why would one be spotting during pregnancy?

The most common causes of slight spotting during pregnancy are implantation bleeding, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, and placental abruption.

Can a pregnancy test show positive while experiencing vaginal bleeding bleeding?

Any pregnancy bleeding is scary, even though about a quarter of pregnant women experience some bleeding. Pregnancy bleeding is sometimes just spotting. Pregnancy spotting is not heavy bleeding and should not soak through a maxi pad. Spotting is a very light flow as if in the last or first days of normal period cycle. In addition, it should only occur during the first trimester of your pregnancy. There should be no bleeding in the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy. Pregnancy bleeding can be more serious and can signify a serious problem. Bleeding may be a sign of early or preterm labor. It can also be a symptom of an infection in the cervix. It is important to call your health care provider right away any time you have pregnancy bleeding, and tell them how much you are bleeding, for how long, and what the blood looks like.

What does it mean if you've been spotting for 3 months after your periods and now you have brown spotting?

Brown spotting is usually referred to as old blood and can be a indication of pregnancy, implantation bleeding, urinary tract infection, vaginal/reproductive infection etc. Spotting is also known as break through bleeding when on birth control pills. There is also a condition referred to as Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding which means spotting or bleeding before or after your periods. Do a pregnancy test first. Then see your doctor hun.

What happens if you have spotting while not on your period?

Thats a pregnancy sign called implantation bleeding

9 weeks pregnant and bleeding and spotting for a week?

Spotting can be normal in a pregnancy, but if you have a lot of bleeding call you Dr. ASAP. However, even for light spotting you should go to the walk in clinic today. Good luck

Is spotting a sign of PMS?

when i think of spotting i think of implantation bleeding related to pregnancy but im sure that's not always the case.

If you went through a super plus tampon within a few hours can it still be pregnancy spotting?

No, spotting means light bleeding such as pink or brown discharge - heavy bleeding suggests menstruation, although it is possible to bleed during pregnancy if you are bleeding when menstruation was due then it is likely menstruation.

Is is possible to have a period followed by very light spotting during pregnancy?

Typically women that experience a "period" during pregnancy really only have slight bleeding with implantation. This is called implantation spotting. If you have confirmed you are pregnant, you should see a doctor for any bleeding.

Is spotting after straining on the toilet normal in the first trimester?

No, spotting after straining on the toilet is not normal in the first trimester. Any spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is not considered to be normal. While it could be implantation bleeding, it would be wise to get examined by your doctor or obstetrician.

Is red spotting okay beginning of pregnancy?

In early pregnancy, the most common cause of spotting is implantation, which is the egg implanting into your uterus, so spotting is completely normal. You don't need to worry unless the bleeding becomes heavy or it is accompanied with cramps.