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if it was cooked 1st and only was out a few minutes or was kept in an airtight container then its still okay but if it has been out a few hours, dont eat it

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Q: What if you eat meat that has been at room temperature?
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What bad effect of thawed meat at room temperature?

If meat is left out at room temperature for too long bacteria will begin to grow, this can cause terrible digestive system problems to anyone who eat the contaminated meat.

What is wrong with leaving hamburger meat out on the table the day before you eat it?

Pathogenic bacteria just love growing at room temperature. So by leaving the meat at room temperature you could be growing the stuff that could make you ill . . . or worse.

What physical state is cheese at room temperature?

It is a solid. If it has been at room temp over an hour it should be good to eat.

Is the cheese and meat in hickory farms gift sets safe to eat if it has been at room temp for a month?

Probably not

You left frozen vaccumed packed steaks out over night can you safely eat them?

If you eat them, you do so at your own peril. No food professional will tell you that they are safe. The meat has been mishandled. It should have been thawed in the refrigerator and the vacuum-packaging held at room temperature presents it's own problems.

Will fully cooked meat go bad if it is left out?

Bacteria can easily infest meat if it is left out too long at room temperature. The meat will spoil. Spoiled meat will usually be a grayish-pink color, and will feel slimy. It will also smell rancid or unpleasant. Do not eat spoiled meat, as it is dangerous to your health.

Can raw meat be left out overnight if it's wrapped?

No meat should be left out overnight at room temperature. This will cause bacteria growth and your meat will not be safe to eat. The best way to defrost meat is in the refrigerator although it might take awhile it is a safe way other than using the microwave. A reference that will help you with meat storage

Is uncooked beef left on counter overnight safe?

No. Ground meat in particular is dangerous to leave at room temperature. Any bacteria that were on the surface of the meat have been ground up and are now inside the meat. Leaving it at room temperature has permitted growth of bacteria.

Can you eat chicken that has been frozen two times?

It is not safe to consume chicken which has been allowed to reach room temperature and then refrozen. This is often the cause of food poisoning. Once a food has reached room temperature it should be thoroughly cooked and then eaten or allowed to cool and then stored in a refridgerator.

What will happen if you eat meat that has been left out of the fridge?

It depends on how cold the freezer was when you turned it off and how long ago you turn it off before you put the meat. If the freezer is still cold then the meat will last longer than in room temperature. If you leave it in there too long it will start to form bacteria and start to turn bad, which can lead to food poisoning.

How long can yogurt be kept at room temperature?

I would estimate a two hour limit for keeping yogurt at room temperature. Personally, I take it out of the refrigerator and eat it immediately. I see no need to keep it at room temperature.

Can you leave cooked onions at room temperature for 48 hours and safely eat if reheated?

No, the onions would not be safe to eat. You should never eat any food that has been left sitting out for 48 hours.