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When did you file? Was it ever heard in court? How old is your child?

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Q: What if you filed for child support but now have found the parent and child is an adult can you still collect?
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Can you collect child support at age 28?

Your custodial parent can collect unpaid support that accrued under an order. Support sometimes continues after the child becomes an adult if the child is disabled.

If parent of child is wrong name on birth certificate when child becomes adult can you change parent name and collect child support?

No. What you suggest is not possible.

How do i submit a form for back pay child support if im the child but grew up?

Most states do not allow a child to collect back support as an adult. Although the right to child support belongs to the child, support is payable to the custodial parent to assist in the care and upbringing of that child. If the custodial parent did not receive that support, then she (or he) made contributions that should have come from the other parent, and the right to collect the back support belongs to her.

Can an adult child get unpaid child support in Alabama?

No, child support is not paid to the child but to the parent raising the child.

Can you collect child support if the absent parent collects ssi?

No, you can not collect child support if the absent parent collects ssi. No matter what state you are in, anywhere in the united states. It's against the law!

Can a parent collect ssi for a child and child support in fl?

Yes, but it affects the amount.

Can an adult sue a father for not paying child support?

No, the child can not. The other parent could before the child was an adult. The money goes to the parent to use for the child and not directly to the child.

If a parent of an adult is getting back court ordered child support and the parent is gambling it away can the adult child get it directly?

extremely unlikely

Can a child stop child support if they are an adult even if the order is in collection status?

The child can not stop the child support because the support goes to his parent. The parent paying can get the agreement changed at the courts.

Can you collect child support if your child is not living with you?

In most cases the parent who has the child doesn't have to pay child support. The parent who does not have the child pays child support if they want visitation rights. In most jurisdictions, the non custodial parent must pay child support even without visitation rights.

If the child didn't get her GED and she moved to her parents who was paying child support can that parent collect child support from other parent in Michigan?

The existing court orders must be modified.

How do you collect child support if non custodial parent moves out of state?

Child Support Enforcement will an interstate action under the UIFSA.