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Q: What if you got deported twice and you get caught again?
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Can you get deported if you got arrested with Methamphetamine?

If you are in a country illegally, and are arrested for a felony, you MAY be deported.

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What has biscuit got to do with two?

Biscuit, from bis "again" or "twice" plus cuit"cooked."

Your husband was deported in September you went to Mexico and got married married on December 5 what next?

You have to begin his naturalization process so he can enter US soil again.

Grammar question... What is the difference between 'was caught' and 'got caught'?

"Was caught" is the passive voice construction and emphasizes the action done to the subject. "Got caught" is the active voice construction and emphasizes the subject's own involvement in the action of being caught.

Your friend is an illegal immigrant and has a 2 year old son born here in the US her husband got deported back to Mexico what can she do to stay in the US for the child's future as a us citizen?

Leave and return legally before she is caught.

If shoplifted from a store earlier and not got caught that time can you get caught on the basis of previous shoplifting when you visit the store again?

If you were caught on video or observed stealing and then identified at a later time you can be charged with theft. Best Bet: Don't Steal

Where did the Jews that got deported to extermination camps go?

They were either murdered or escaped

How did they move people who got deported from Germany to Poland?

Cattle cars on trains

I had my period in the beginning of the month and I got it again July 28 and it was only 3days Why would you get your period twice a month?

it could be from stress