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You need to get it checked out by a doctor

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Q: What if you have a red bump on the side of your head?
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What is the medial bump of the wrist called?

The medial bump of the wrist is caused by the styloid process of the ulna. The lateral wrist bump is from the radius.

What is a red bump in the eye in the left hand side?

See a doctor.

What is a bony bump on the left side of head no pains it has been there for five years?


Small red bump on side and top of tongue and feels swollen and burnt I recently had a tooth pulled?

small red bump on the tongue is the intimation or symptoms of tongue ulcer.

What could a red bump under your tongue on the left side indicate?

that means you have aids

What could it be if you have a bump on the lower base of your head it is located on the left side and it hurts to touch and it hurts to move my head as well as smile?

did you hit your head? ....

Red bump behind your ear?

no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore

What would make the right side of your head hurt?

Hurt as in Headache or Pain as in a bump? The stems on glasses can cause a headache if pressing too tight on top of the ear, if you just rec'd a new pair of rx glasses that can cause it also. Did you bump your head and maybe forget about it, sometimes a small bump matters.

What should you do if you bump the back or side of your head off the top corner of the stove?

You should most likely go to the doctor.

Does butter cure a bump on the head?

No butter does not cure a bump on the head, but try spreading it on your toast it tastes great.

What does it mean when you have an indent on your head?

what does it mean if you have a bump on your head

J'ai une bosse indolore sur le côté de la tête?

I have a pain-free bump on the side of the head