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If in a accident long as the person with an instruction permit has a licensed driver in the vehicle they're not in any violation of the law. Traffic laws vary by State.

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Q: What if you hit someone's car and you are on Instruction permit?
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If you hit someones car and drove away what would you do?

You would be committing a hit-and-run, and be arrested.

What if there is a car accident with a learner's permit only but learner was not at fault in ca?

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No madder how old the driver if you hit the rear of his car its automaticaly your fualt

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you get the insurance info. and have them look at the damange. make shoure you have a police report.

What if you hit someones bumper and you have a permit?

for one thing that sounds like a personal problem. sorry if it is.the adult might take responsability but depending on the adult u might get grounded.depending on the state you might get juvy time but dont count on it

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Most cities have leash laws where dogs aren't allowed to run around. If your city has leash laws and the dog runs in the road and gets hit by a car the owner of the dog is responsible for the vet bill and for the damage done to the car.

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2 newtons of force

If a person is driving an unregistered car and gets hit by another can he still file a claim against the others insurance?

In Victoria Australia, a person can file a claim against another person while driving an unregistered permit, but only if they have obtained and displayed a permit to drive the vehicle

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It is gold of-course but it ain't hurts when they hit them to someones face.

What if you hit a car and there is no damage to your car?

The insurance will pay for the car you hit.

If you are hit by a unlicensed driver on a permit driving another person's car that had liability insurance can you sue the owner or the insurance company for your injuries?

Yes, without a doubt. The owner bares the true responsibility.

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The car hit her, she died.