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If you told someone ( the person in which you like) and the person who you told it to told the person you liked that person, then that person who you originally told the secret to is really not trust worthy. You should go up to that person and ask why they told the person you like. If you feel (the person who you told the secret to, who broke the secret to the person who you like) is telling you the truth that she or he is sorry for telling your secret and in your gut you feel he or she is being truthful, give them one more shot at being your friend, but keep a close eye and watch what you say. Even watch what you say to your friends that may be friends with the person you told the secret to. If you feel that the person is being nasty and not nice then cut your friendship with that person altogether. Always go with your gut feeling, stand up for whats right. Good Luck.

This just happend to me :(. i think the person only did it for attention...SO DONT GIVE IT TO THEM. if u give it to them (don't) then they will get what they wanted and hurt other peoples fellings.

Hope that helped!

I'm not the most popular guy in the school (i get straight A's...Go figure) but the girl I liked found out that I liked them because i told someone and they told them. By the end of the week, she asked me out.

Bear in mind,they may have been trying to help you. If you told them and it was a big secret that you liked this person, then you obviously having been able to do anything about liking the other and are trying to keep it secret. the person you told the secret to might have realised that you didn't have the confidence to tell the person you like how you feel. it depends who the person you told the secret to is better friends with, if it's with you, then they might know you well enough to know you will never take it further and might need a little push, or if they are bettter friends with the other person then obviously they were gong to tell their friend and might have told them because there's a chance something would happen and if they didnt tell the person, the person would never find out cos you're trying to keep it a secret!!!

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Q: What if you tell someone who you like and tell them not to tell and they go and tell the person you like you like them?
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