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Well, things will be awkward between the two of you for awhile until that person figures out whether or not they feel the same way.

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Q: What if you told the person you like them and now things are awkward between you?
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What if you like someone but things seem awkward between you two?

then it means he or she is not the right one =]

I used to like this guy but at the time he had a GF we haven't talked for a while and it's always awkward between us what should I do to make things less awkward between us?

You should build trust in him and let him know that you are his friend. When that happens, things between you two will become less awkward.

What if you told the person you like them and now things are awkward between you How can you get things back to the way they were How can you make them think of you that way Can you?

Well Just Say You Know I was Just Joking And IF That Doesn't Work Kiss Him And Then He'll Come Around.

What do you if you like someone but you can't tell if they like you?

Keep seeing how things go and if they do like you things will become obvious because he/she will become awkward etc.

Why would a guy make things awkward for a girl even though she already has a boyfriend?

3 possible reasons: The guy could like the girl, and wants her. The guy may not know that he is making things awkward. The guy could be intentionally make things awkward because he dislikes the girl, or her boyfriend.

How do let a girl know you don't like her anymore and things are still awkward between you and her?

BE HONEST. Tell her the truth, but don't be mean about it. She may hate you at first, but she will appreciate it in the end.

What do you do when the boy you like knows you like him but it got awkward when he found out?

Just act normal! Act like how it was before. Just be friends with him and see what happens from there, don't over react it just makes things more awkward.

Everyone thinks he likes me but I don't think so. My friends texted him and made things awkward between us he knows I like him and his friend asked me out posing as him. What do you think?

try not to make things awkward just avoid the question and continue talking to him about random stuff cause if he likes you back but you dont talk to him he might assume you dont like him anymore you dont want that

What does it mean when a girl tells you that she like you but she dont want things to get awkward between you and her she just like things the way they were what does this mean?

she just means tht she wants to let u know how she feels but sometimes if you dont feel the same way then u act awkward around each other which completely ruins everything so she wants to keep things as they are.

What can I do to make it not awkward between the guy I like after he knows I like him but doesn't feel the same?

Try to be just friends with him.

Would it be awkward to ask this girl out?

Well it depends on you, and your confidence level really. The moment of you asking her out will only be awkward, if you make it awkward. Its not a bad thing if you are an awkward person, many people are. But if you really like this girl then you must be prepared take risk's, ask her out. If you are fearless, she will see you as a confident person and will most likely say yes, or at least go on a date with you. So go ask her out and be yourself! That is how you will get people to like you, if you act like someone else trust me, they will know!

How could i woo a girl when were alone and please don't be sexual?

US girls like it when boys pay us complaments and don't make things awkward between us and we like spending time with u doing things that you like so that we can get to know you more and get to know more about your hobbies and interests.