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Does it vomit when handled by someone? If so, this means that the snake is being handled too soon after eating. Snake handlers should wait a period of around 2-3 days after feeding to pick up the snake. The reason why snakes vomit their meal is because of instinct. In the wid, if attacked soon after consuming a meal, snakes will regurgitate their food in order to escape much more quickly. This is a natural thing, but im not sure if it can actually damage the snake physically. It definetely does not do the snake any good, and should be avoided at all times. Just wait the correct amount of time before handling the snake and it should not vomit. If you wait three days and the snake STILL vomits, then you should take the snake to a vet as soon as possible. Most snakes will grow out of this vomiting habit when they grow older and become more "settled" and mature. Hope this helps! I know from experience that snake vomit is not fun to clean up.....

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Q: What if your baby ball python vomits?
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None. Ball python is the species. There are currently no recognized subspecies of ball python, either.

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You may be refering to the term "Ball Snake" which is a popular term for a Python Regius (Royal Python) also known as a "Ball Python".

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A pied bald python is a morph pattern found in Ball python that is being breed in captivety.

If i use a 10 gallon tank for a baby ball python will it stay small?

Your python may stay small but that is NOT good for a python to be in a small space. It leads to agression. You must get bigger tanks for your python as he grows, or just start with a large one.

What stronger ball python or a viper?

Probably a ball python, because they are constrictors and a viper is not.

What does the name Ball Python mean?

Ball pyhton means royal python. It has got his name by curling into a ball when they are stressed.