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You may be overfeeding. Appetite should be size of eyeball. If your betta is healthy, just skip a day of feeding and giver your betta's system time to cleanse/reset itself so to speak. As you probably know, bettas are full of personality and is probably sick of eating the same food. Try baby shrimp as well. Some are picky about pellets especially if they were not fed this from birth. You can also take a stab at freeze dried worms.

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11y ago

If your beta fish will not eat then you need to buy a different type of food. I bought food for my Beta fish, but she didn't eat them. I had to buy another type of food for her to eat.

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Q: What if your betta refuse to eat the pellets?
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How many times per week does a Betta fish eat?

if you have betta pellets, then you need to feed them 3 pellets once a day

What could a betta fish eat?

They eat :special pellets, flakes, bloodworms, black worms and brineshrinp

Can you give a betta fish hermit crab pellets?

Betta pellets are designed for Bettas to eat. Hermit crab pellets are designed for Hermit crabs to eat. Goldfish flakes are designed for Goldfish to eat. Are you getting the message? If you wish your Betta to do well, feed it Betta food.

What is everything a betta will eat?

blackworms, bloodworms, mosqito larve, betta pellets, daphnia, infursia, baby brine shrimp, tublex worms, ect.

What does the baby betta fish eats is it the pellets or something else?

Baby bettas should be fed live or frozen brine shrimp and daphnia. Older bettas will eat bloodworms,daphnia,brine shrimp,betta pellets, and blackworms.

My new betta fish won't eat pellets or bloodworms?

When I first got my betta, he did NOT like eating. It might take a couple days for him/her to get used to its new home.Sadly, I have also experienced guppies who do not eat. They usually were ill. Hopefully your betta is not like them.

How much does a betta eat?

A betta eats a few pellets or a pinch of flakes 3 times a day. It is best to use only food designed for a betta. Also keep in mind that a betta's stomach is the size of his/her eye.

How many times a day does a fish need to eat?

twice a day, 2 times each, 5 pellets at max or 2 flakes a day (pellets are better for betta fish

Are BB pellets poisonous to betta fish?

BB pellets are not digestible and will create a blockage in the fish resulting in death. The size and the shape of most BB's closely resemble the prepared betta pellets and so could be consumed by accident.

What creature eats Betta fish?

Betta fish eat bloodworms, brine shrimp, betta pellets/flakes(avalible at all pet stores)They can also eat little crumbs of bread(the bread will not give them all the vitamins that they need to carry on for the rest of the day) They can also eat anything that is for betta fish!If you are wondering how much and how many times to feed your lovable fish look on the back of the container of your fish's food! Have fun with your betta fish!!!In captivity, Bettas generally eat bloodworms or specially marketed pellets for Bettas.Fish food. (pellets mostly)A betta can eat anything that any other small tropical fish can eat. This includes fish flakes (such as Tetramin), bloodworms, and small pellet food. Bettas are prone to over-eating, and should only be fed what it can eat in about 1 minute, once or twice a day. That is usually about 4-5 flakes, or 2-3 pellets, or 2-3 large bloodworms.

What type of plants do crowntail betta eat?

They don't eat plants. Pellets are good. Use plamts only for decoration, better water quality & lets it feel right at home. (:

Is it ok to feed your Betta fish three pellets every day?

yes, that's okay, but about 3 in the morning and 3 at night would be better. and i assume you are talking about betta pellets :P