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They don't eat plants. Pellets are good. Use plamts only for decoration, better water quality & lets it feel right at home. (:

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Q: What type of plants do crowntail betta eat?
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What kind of plants can you put in with a betta fish?

They will appreciate any type of freshwater plant. But they tend to like plants with broad leaves that they can rest on, or floating plants that can provide security since they often linger at the surface. Some good choices are anubias, java fern, and hornwort.

Do betta fish eat any kind of plants?

Bettas shouldn't be fed plants, they are carnivorous fish and need lots of protein.

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Anacondas do not eat plants they are carnivores and eat animals.

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herbivores, who only eat plants and omnivores, who eat both plants and animals. it is canivores that only eat meat and not plants.

Can cats eat betta fish?

NO!!!!! They should not eat betta fish...but if your cat has then call a vet, and don't get anymore betta Fish!

Can betta fish eat lettuce?

Betta fish are naturally carnivores. They don't eat plants in the wild (this is why bettas in jars are so bad). If it will eat it, however, It shouldn't be bad for it.No Bettas are Insectivorous.

What do ocean Betta fish eat?

There is no such thing as an "Ocean Betta".

What kind of bugs can betta fish eat?

any type ant .mosquitos .crickets .larvae .worms

What is a staple diet for a male betta?

A betta can eat any betta food regardless of the manufacturer; they typically market it as Betta Bites.