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call the vet

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Q: What if your dog was spayed and now the cut is swollen what do you do?
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Your dog was spayed two days ago and now she is swollen at her incision what could cause this?

I had a dog who went through this, it was an accumulation of fluids. The surgery was properly poorly done, take her to the vet, she might have an infection as well.

If you get your dog spayed will she look different my friend had his dog spayed and now she looks like a manatee...?

Spaying or neutering your dog will not change the dog's appearance. The only thing that will be different is their lack of sex organs. Actually, they still have sex organs (vagina and birth canal), but they do not have reproductive organs - the uterus and ovaries. If your friend's dog looks like a manatee, she is probably fat! Too much food.

Dog had a shot of penicillin and now the leg is swollen and will not walk on it?

take it to the vet immediately, they are probably having an allergic reaction.

Your dog has swollen legs and is breathing a bit heavier?

GET IT TO THE VET RIGHT NOW! It may be suffering from a severe allergy or even possibly, cancer (Lymphoma). Check under the neck and see if it's swollen there too.

When can a female dog be neutered?

You can get your female dog spayed as early as 6 months of age. It is a good idea to get her spayed before her first heat as the occurrence of breast cancer later on is greatly reduced to almost 0. Some Veterinarians are now saying the larger breeds should wait until they are around 14 months old, to allow for bone growth and maturing of the urethra. Ask your Veterinarian. Do not spay her in heat though.

Does spaying make a dog less playful?

Nope. If anything, it makes her more playful and affectionate because she is less moody and distracted.

When i bought my dog to this lady we've talked about spaying the dog when she turns 6 mons old but i didn't do it and now she's harrasing me and keep telling me do it or else she'll get my dog back.?

If it was part of the purchase agreement because you bought the dog from a breeder, then you have to fulfill the promise to get it done. They can get the dog back. Well you bought it, just tell the lady you spayed her

Dog tried to mate with another dog and he may have jerked away Now his penis is very swollen and the skin around it is very red It is not the typical swelling after mating?

It´s normal , you know , dog like a people = like to f*ck but no baby.

Your dog eyes are swollen shut what can cause that?

It could be caused by a number of reasons to include allergies. Still, it's time to take the pet to the Vet...and now not later.

Does it mean your dog is going in heat if she starts humping dogs?

yes it does Another person here. Now, it could mean that, but not necessarily. Dogs, even spayed/neutered occasionally will hump other dogs over dominance. I have three spayed females, and they do it. It's not sexual interactions to them, just asserting their dominance. However, if she is doing it more to male dog, and she is bleeding, then she is most likely in heat. The best thing to do is watch her, keep her on a leash if she is bleeding, and put some sort of dog, or baby diapers on her. Be with her during all this time if you do not want puppies. You can also get your dog spayed. If she continues, and is not bleeding, then she is asserting her dominance. However, if it is with strange dogs, I advise to keep her away from them.

Why is your Boston terriers vulva swollen?

This is the visible part of the "heat cycle". The swelling is necessary for the act of copulation to fertilize the egg. If you don't want the dog bred she must be kept confined until this swelling is completely gone. If you do leave the dog unconfined (and I don't mean chained), she will have puppies usually within 63 days of being bred by a male dog. This is not a good thing. Then you have to find homes for the puppies when is not always an easy process. Get your dog spayed within 2 months of this going out of heat if she is not bred and you won't have this problem. Most areas of the nation now have low-cost spay/neuter programs where you can get you dog fixed for usually at the most $50.00 for a big dog and less for smaller dogs.

What do I do about a very swollen dog bite my dog has on his paw and leg and i can't afford a vet now?

Call a vet, explain your situation and ask their advice.That much won't cost you a thing.Since you describe it as "very swollen," it sounds like the bite could be infected, and your dog needs care in a hurry. If it is infected and you wait too long, your dog could lose his leg, or even die. Some vets might sympathize with your situation and offer to treat your dog for free, or let you pay a little bit at a time. Good luck!