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Your dog may have Hot spots which is a bacterial infection of the skin. The spots are moist and weepy. These are very common in Goldens. The spots get bigger and bigger as the dog scratches and bites/licks them. They start out as small round spots and grow quite fast. They can be treated at home but can be very frustrating. I would take your dog to the vet for examination. He may have some other skin disease such as mange mites or skin Allergies.

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Q: What if your golden retriever is pulling out his fur and has sores on his body?
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My parents have a retriever that gets a strong "fishy" smell. It has something to do with her glands near her butt. They have to get squeezed by the vet -- the vet can teach you how, so you can do it at home. But it is very gross to smell and oozy. If you don't get her glands squeezed, then she can get infections.

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Golden retrievers, like most dogs will start to bleed vaginally when they are in heat. The heat will usually last for two or three weeks.

Does methadone cause body sores?

yes and no, the drug seeps through the pours, and you think you can just scratch it off, so u pick, and pick, and pick, and it causes visible body sores. and when you are "comming down", yes, it causes physical body sores/pains.

Are golden retrievers a hunting breed?

Some Golden Retrievers are hunting dogs. Once upon a time all Golden retrievers were hunters but when people found out how good of a pet they made many kept them for pets only and bred the hunting instinct out of them, also the Golden Retriever Club of America rewrote the standard for the show dog so that the body type is to stocky and heavy for a hunting dog and the longer hair of the show dog limits its usefulness as a hunter. As a result of these changes few Golden Retrievers today will hunt and there has not been a dual champ ( a field champ & a bench champ) for many, many years. To find a good hunting Golden Retriever you must go to a breeder of hunting Golden Retrievers.

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I think it depends on the dog and cat's personality and how long they've known each other.If you're just getting a cat 9or golden retriever) then you can ask an expert on how to get them to get along with each other quicker.

White head red sores on upper body?


Are golden retrievers good with cats?

yes they will ,but the golden retriever will think the cat will be a toy. But they do get along.Yes, I have a golden and the cats get along with him very well. Typically, golden retrievers get along with every body.

Can you get a body rash from cold sores?

Cold Sores (herpes virus) are from the Varicella Virus which also causes Chickenpox and Shingles so yes.

Do you get sores on the body from alcoholism?

i would hope not but it's probably yes

How do you know if you got herpes?

Unusual spots/sores anywhere on the body.