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Then you should get the heck out of Canada!!!! think of your kids first. come to the u.s. and start a new life!

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Q: What if your partner is a psychologist in Canada and is abusive to your children and yourself?
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Can you leave if you are in an abusive relationship and take your children?

AnswerSome women can, others can not. This is dependent on your situation, and the relationship that you have with your children. Often, if they are close to your abusive partner; taking them will not be an option. That would only become an option after a court case. Taking your children with you is often a favorable decision, especially if they are young. However, if taking them increases your chances of being hurt - do not do it. The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when the victim leaves, so do not place yourself in additional danger. You must assess the situation.

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Because he is abusive. Partner abuse is a treatable sickness, but not always curable. Staying with an abusive partner does not help them to become a better person.

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Oftentimes, abusive partners will transfer their aggression physically and mentally. In addition to whatever abuse your partner is already giving you, this just might be one more thing. It could be insecurity, anger or hatred that is causing your partner to do this. Examine it but look out for yourself first! Your safety and well-being should always be a top priority!!!

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No, absolutely not.

How do you control sex?

I don't quite understand. To control when you have sex, you either need to be abusive or promiscuous which you should NOT be. To control how you have sex, you'll need to be aware of yourself and your partner.

How do you tell a new partner about an abusive pas?

Tell him/her a story about abusive experience then tell to him/her that you are the main subject behind that story.

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Of course you're going to feel guilt or remorse. That's because you have a history with this person and a conscious. But does not mean you should let your abusive partner move back in. It is unsafe for you and for him or her. The best thing for you to do is keep your abusive partner out of the house and slowly lose contact with him or her.

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It is right to express yourself to your partner if you or your partner wont express yourself it isn't a honest relationship

Can a man from non-abusive upbringing become an abuser if abused by a partner who grew up in an abusive home with no therapy at all?

it is possible

What accusations are harmful in a divorce?

Here are a few, but the most popular: * The partner is an alcoholic * The partner is on drugs * The partner is constantly cheating * The partner has been abusive verbally or physically. * Being abusive verbally or physically with the children. * Being sexually abusive with any of the children in the family. * Not paying taxes on their own business they may be running. * Not paying normal taxes like everyone else. * Belonging to a gang and acting out criminal acts. * Selling drugs or fire arms for illicit purposes. * Serving time or has served time in prison (depending on the crime.) * Refusing to pay child support. I could go on, but these are the most important ones. Beware not to use any of these excuses for a speedy divorce because you and your lawyer have to prove it in a court of law. To accuse a partner of sexually abusing children is hard to prove, but it's the lowest form of a human being to do so if it's not true. It can ruin the partner's life and perhaps they will lose their job or a position at work.