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your option to this question are :

A: imitate the behavior of clients or customers

B: observe how other employees perform in the same situation

C: read books or articles about courtesy and etiquette

D: apply the same standard which you would use in your own home

the correct answer is B.

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Victoria Dupree

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1mo ago

The number one rule of thumb for learning about specific courtesy rules in your workplace is to observe and follow the behavior of others around you. Pay attention to how your colleagues interact and communicate with each other, and always treat others with respect and professionalism. Additionally, you can ask for feedback or seek guidance from your supervisor or HR department on company policies relating to workplace etiquette.

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4y ago

Apply the same standard which you use in your own home

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Q: What if your reading material states that the number one rule of the thumb for learning about the specific rules courtesy in your workplace is to?
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A survey meter should be used when conducting a general area survey to assess radiation levels, while a chemical detection device is used for detecting specific chemical substances. Survey meters are commonly used in radioactive material handling facilities, while chemical detection devices are utilized in chemical storage areas or hazardous material response situations. Both devices serve different purposes in ensuring workplace safety.

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Some common methods of teaching sociology include lectures, discussions, group activities, case studies, multimedia presentations, and experiential learning opportunities like field trips or internships. In addition, instructors may use simulations, role-playing exercises, guest speakers, and online resources to engage students and enhance their learning experience. The choice of method will depend on the specific learning goals and preferences of the instructor and students.

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read books or arcticles about courtesty and etiquette

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observe how other employees perform in the same situation

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your option to this question are : A: imitate the behavior of clients or customers B: observe how other employees perform in the same situation C: read books or articles about courtesy and etiquette D: apply the same standard which you would use in your own home the correct answer is B.

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