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In that case, the statue of limitation's is tolled (does not run out) while the accused is outside the jurisdiction of the state, (or federal government, in the case of federal crimes).

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Q: What if your statute of limitations runs out while you out of the country?
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Can a judgment be reversed if statute of limitations is up in state of NJ?

Not if the judgment was obtained before the statute of limitations for the debt expired. The statute of limitations requires that a lawsuit be filed on the claim before the limitation runs out. While it might prevent the plaintiff from getting the judgment, but it does not invalidate the judgment.

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There is no statute of limitations for a ticket that has been issued.

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Until your state's statute of limitations runs out on that debt.

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The Statute of Limitations runs from when the debt is incurred. It is not restarted if the debt is sold. The only way it can be extended is by a payment, or lawsuit.

What is the statute of limitation on capital gains tax?

Same as the statute of limitations on any other income tax. For example, if it is a U.S. federal income tax, and a return is required but not filed, then the statute of limitations doesn't start until the return is filed, and then runs for three years, assuming the taxpayer does not leave the US during that time.

Could someone still be charged after the statute of limitations runs out for assault and battery North Carolina?

Generally, it's two years.

How long is the statute of limitations for medical bills in Pennsylvania?

That would be four years in Pennsylvania. The time runs from the last acknowledgement of the debt.

What is the statute of limitations on property damage in South Carolina?

South Carolina's statute of limitations are very basic and simple. They have decided that no statute of limitations shall apply to any crime. Assault charges can be brought at any time in the lifetime of the accused perpetrator.

What is the time limit on filing a warrant for a drug charge?

That depends on what the charge is. You could be looking at 15 years before the statute of limitations runs in your favor.

Indiana statute of limitations for assaut?

It will vary on whether it is charged as a felony or a misdemeanor. A felony runs for 5 years. A misdemeanor is set at 2 years. It is tolled if the accused leaves the state.

What is the statute of limitations vandalism in Indiana?

Indiana's statute of limitations are based on the seriousness of the crime charged. Murder and Class A Felonies have no limit. The other felonies are set at 5 years with extensions for underage victims and DNA evidence. Misdemeanors are set as 2 years. Absence from the state or concealing the evidence can toll the statute.

Do California warrants stay on your record for life?

The record of the fact that they were issued against you, yes. The warrants themselves will either become inactive when they are withdrawn or quashed, or the statute of limitations runs out on the offense you are charged with.