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It needs to see a veterinarian ASAP. It could be hurt or having a stroke.

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Q: What if your ten week old puppy was walking but now can't stand up?
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Should my 6 week old puppy be walking on his legs?

Yes! Puppies should have started at least trying to walk at just a few weeks. If a 6 week old puppy is not walking, take him/her to the vet immediately.

Can you walk a 4 week- old- puppy?

They're still too small to be walked at 4 weeks, it's better to wait a few weeks more before walking your puppy.

Why can't you walk an 8 week old puppy?

Who told you that you can`t walk a 8 week old puppy? That`s a good age to start just get them a harness or collar and a leash and start walking, just make sure you go on short trips to see how far he/she can handle.

Can you give your 1 week old puppy canned milk when the mother wont nurse him?

No it cant get digest properly if it drink canned milk

Can a 11 week old puppy have loperamide?

. Get your puppy to the vet.

I have a grown dog who is very active We take two long walks a day We are bringing a 10 week old puppy home soon What should I do about walking them since the puppy shouldn't get too much exercise?

Leave him at home while you walk the big dog and play with the puppy at home.

Are Pug puppies slow to start walking he will be 5 weeks old in 3 days and is the only pup in the litter and is kind of fat?

If he is not walking at 5 weeks of age, something is wrong!!! They should be walking by week 3. If he is the only pup he has probably had more milk than he needs. Remove him from mom and get him on a soft puppy diet. And of course get him to the vet because something is very, very wrong if he cannot stand, walk and sit.

Can you feed a 6 week old puppy puppy food?


how old is puppy?

a puppy age is week old

What can happen of you overfeed an 8 week old puppy?

The puppy can get sick.

Is a two week old puppy blind if its eyes are NOT open?

A two week old puppy is blind but when its eyes open it can see.

Can you bathe a puppy at 3 week?

No,if a 3 week old puppy needs a bath,please call your vet and ask if you can use a dry shampoo.