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The Russian launch of Sputnik

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Q: What ignited the the space race between the United stars and the Soviet Union?
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What event ignited the space race between the unite states and the Soviet union?

The lanching of Sputnik.

Why did the wartime alliance between the United states and soviet Union unravel?

The United States and the Soviet Union disagreed on the future of Eastern Europe.

Why did the wartime alliance between the US and the Soviet Union?

The United States and The Soviet Union dissagreed on the Future of Eastern Europe.

What event ignited the space race the US and the soviet union?

Launching of Sputnik

What did the cold war result from?

The Cold War resulted from lack of trust between the U.S and The Soviet Union.

Which best explains what the cold war was?

A disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union about how government should work.

What was the difference between the forms of goverenment in the US and the Soviet Union?

The United States had a democratic government and the Soviet Union had a Communist government.

How did the hostility between the United States and Soviet Union develop?

The A-bomb.

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The space race was between what two countries?

The Soviet Union and the United States.

what are the differences the Soviet Union have between the United Stare in the cold war?


What happened to Korea after Japan surrendered in World War 2?

Nova Net: It fell under the control of the United States and the Soviet Union It fell under the control of the United States and the soviet union.