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not really illegal but on tea,paper,salt,sugar and manly things that colonist use most offend.

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Q: What illegal taxes did british put on clonists?
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Who put taxes on sugar?

British Parliment .

How did the colonies respond to new taxes?

Many of the British taxes mad the colonists angry. One tax that really made the colonist angry was the stamp act which put a tax on all paper goods such as newspapers. The taxes were a causing factor of the American Revolution.

What brought about the clash between american colonist and british soldiers at lexington and concord?

The Americans did not enjoy the laws and taxes that all the British have put down on them. Poo?

Who put taxes on the imports to the colonies?

British Parliament and King George III

What type of officials collected taxes put in place by the Townshend Acts?

british agents

What did the british do to colonists?

put taxes on the colonists because of the Boston tea party

What was the townshead act?

When the British put taxes on all imported goods. Also the British could check up on the colonist when ever they wanted to.

Why did pot become illegal?

because the government cant put taxes on it because its not usually grown in the us. its grown in mexico.

Why did the british protest new taxes on the colonists?

The taxes were high and unfair and some of them were even meant to harm the colonists. They put heavy taxes on almost everything in the colonies to help pay off their French and Indian War debt. High taxes was one of the many causes of the Revolutionary War.

What caused the American Revolutionray War?

the revolutionary war started when the british put too many taxes on things. like when they lifted the tax on everything except tea, the tea party happened, where a group of colonists who were against the taxes and the british dumped a whole bunch of british tea into the Boston harbor. so the revolutionary war was because of the british taking too much control over the colonies and putting taxes on everything.

The Sons of liberty protested british taxes?

Yes they did. The sons of liberty would tar and feather tax collectors. Tar and feather is when they pour hot tar on you and then put feathers on you after.

Why didnt the people of Boston want the British soldiers to be there?

Because in the past the British soldiers do not want Boston and they put Boston to pay taxes. The Boston colonists were forced to quarter the British soldiers. Quartering refers to housing and feeding them.