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Radioactive Uranium causes cancer when exposed on large scale. Persistent small scale radiation can cause loss in red blood cells, infertility and mental disorders.

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Q: What illness does uranium cause?
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What illness can uranium cause?

Radioactive uranium causes cancer when exposed on large scale. Persistent small scale radiation can cause loss in red blood cells, infertility and mental disorders.

What dangerous illness is caused by uranium?

For example lung cancers, from uranium (and the daughters radium and radon).

Does uranium cause an air pollution?

Yes, uranium mining and uranium industry can cause air pollution with uranium aerosols; also the decay chain products radium and radon (gas) are dangerous. Severe precautions were taken when working with uranium.

What are the medical uses of uranium?

Uranium is not used to fight against cancer !Inhalation of fine powders of uranium or uranium compounds may be a cause of lung cancers.

Can uranium cause death?

Uranium is both radioactive and a toxic metal to humans. Exposure to uranium can disrupt normal function of most systems in the body. Uranium itself has not been shown to be a direct cause in any human deaths, but exposure to its ions has.

What is a deadly illness?

An illness that is able to cause death.

Can uranium hurt you?

Yes, uranium can leave rays which can pass the body and cause cancer or death.

Can consipation cause delay in periods?

No, but if constipation is caused by illness, the illness can cause a period to be late.

Is uranium a cause of lung cancer?

Yes, uranium powders and aerosols are possible causes of lung cancer.

Why is a sample of uranium compound found to be losing mass gradually?

The cause is the radioactive decay of uranium isotopes.

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People with mental illness 

What is an illness that has a psychological cause and does not involve brain damage?

An illness that has a psychological cause and does not involve brain damage is Psychosis.