

What impact did George Washington Carver have on society?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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He maded a popo in his toilet and wash it down

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Q: What impact did George Washington Carver have on society?
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What impact did George Washington Carver do?

he planted then peanut and made peanutbutter

What impact did George Washington Carver have in American life?

um... he created peanut butter?

What was George Washington's impact on society?

How did george washington carvers invetions have an impact on society?

How did George Washington Carver have an impact on science?

He made a way to put minerals back into soil.

How did George Washington carver impact America and its people?

he did all his effort to help us get better lifes of products of peanuts

George w carver had his greatest impact on the economy where?


What movie and television projects has George Washington Carver been in?

George Washington Carver, a renowned scientist and inventor, has not been portrayed in any specific movie or television projects that focus entirely on his life. However, he has been mentioned or referenced in various documentaries, educational shows, and films that explore African American history, agricultural advancements, or the impact of his inventions, such as the peanut.

How does George Washington Carver's work impact History today?

There is so many things that George Washington Carver did to help us today. There are so many things that we use daily, that if it were not for what he did, wouldn't be here to make things easier for us. Like it sounds crazy, but the peanut is used for paper made from vines included that we use. We might not even have peper right now if it were not for him.

George Whashington Carver's discoveries had the greatest impact on what region?

George Washington Carver's discoveries had the greatest impact on the agricultural region of the Southern United States. His research and innovations in crop rotation, soil conservation, and alternative crops like peanuts and sweet potatoes helped revitalize farming practices in this region, which had been heavily reliant on cotton. Carver's work played a crucial role in diversifying the Southern economy and improving the livelihoods of farmers in the region.

How has george washington made an impact on others lives?

George Washington led us from still being a British country.

Was George Washington's impact on society good or bad?

George Washington was an icon and a hero to the citizens of America when he led their army to victory against the British, thereby forming a republic. Some say that he had a negative impact on society, but with all the facts we are able to agree that George Washington was faithful to his country, he was loyal to his army and he was an icon and a role model for future leaders to follow. It is only fair to say that George Washington cared about his country and he did a great job of leading it, through good times and through bad, he stuck with his plan the whole way through and his men gained confidence from him. When the battle was getting tough and the soldiers were getting tired George Washington only raised his hand and his soldiers trusted him so thoroughly that they would fight harder than ever. After hearing all of the plain facts it seems impossible to say that George Washington had a negative impact on society, in his time and in ours.

What was George Washington's impact on the people?

His portrait is on the One Dollar Bill