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fertility incrreased and the Death Rate dropped

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Q: What impact did the introduction of the potato have on the demography of Europe?
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What is a conclusion for the potato battery?

Introduction of potato batteries

Who transported the potato from its native land?

The potato was transported to Europe by the Spanish explorers.

Why did the potato blight happen?

Only very few varieties of potato were brought to Europe from the New World and so the potatoes cultivated in Europe weren't sufficiently robust to offer strong resistance to diseases, since they lacked genetic diversity. The European potato was, therefore, unable to fight the potato blight, or late blight, and many crops were destroyed. The impact was most felt in Ireland, which had become highly dependent on potatoes: the country lost about a quarter of its population.

Are potato chips from Europe?

Potato chips were invented in New York state in 1853, but have spread to Europe, especially Britain and Germany. You can check some of the kinds out at :

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How did the potato travel to Europe and North America?


What is the market price for potato starch in Europe?

17 euros

What is the name of the tuber eaten in Ireland before the introduction of the Andean potato?

Sweet potatos or Yams, potatoes came from south america... but what did they call this tuber before the potato came along?

What event in Europe led to massive devastation?

Irish potato famine

What was the greatest unifying factor in western Europe?

that the potato farms are good

What impact did the Irish migration have on the Americans after the potato famine?

the irish made a big impact on america with there knowlage of beer and they were poorly treated but now we have festivals for the irish also the irish moved to america cse of the potato famine

How did they get to the new world potato famie?

Potatoes are native to the New World, specifically the Americas, and were brought to Europe from there by the Spanish. Is that your question? If your question is about potato famines, the best-known and most drastic and far-reaching was the Irish Potato Famine, between 1845 and 1852. It was caused by a disease known as potato blight, or late blight, which affected potato crops all over Europe. It is generally considered the blight had such a devastating effect because only a very few varieties of potatoes were brought to Europe from the New World and so those farmed in Europe had no real resistance to the disease, which spread rapidly as a result.