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Macbeth's decision to kill Macduff's family causes Macduff to seek revenge, leading to Macbeth's downfall. If Macbeth had chosen differently and not committed this act of violence, Macduff may not have been as determined to bring about Macbeth's demise, potentially altering the course of events.

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Q: What impact does Macbeth's decision to kill Macduff's family have on Macbeth's own fate Do you think things might have turned out differently had Macbeth chosen differently How?
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What was the crisis in 'Macbeth' and how did characters begin to solve the problem?

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What part does Lady Macbeth play in Macbeths decision to kill the king?

The crucial part. Without Lady Macbeth, this would have been Macbeth's final decision: "We will proceed no further in this business." Macbeth would never have killed Duncan unless Lady Macbeth had goaded him into it.