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Q: What impact does food surpluses have on human population?
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What was the importance of agriculture?

Agriculture provides food for the population. Lack of food resulted in periods of famine and decline in the population. The good functioning of agriculture and food surpluses affected population growth.

What effects did food surpluses have on people and population?

Surpluses lead to cities because the people who would be builing the cities became healthier and stronger because they had more food. The population also grew because people had more kids. Food surpluses fed more people. Instead of producing food, the people had more time to have jobs like being an artisan and crafting items.

This shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture resulted in what change to human population?

because of the food surpluses ( more than needed), people could d=feed more children so they indeed had more children so the population skyrocketed. also see the textbook ancient world.-selena

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What effects did food surpluses have on people living in settlements?

In the case of ancient peoples living in agricultural settlements, food surpluses were part of the reason these settlements grew into larger civilizations. A food surplus of a product another settlement lacked became barter material in exchange for other food products the first settlement lacked. Food for gold and silver was another result of selling off a food surplus to nations that needed the food and had gold to spend. Expansion of settlements led to trade and better means of transportation in order to trade a food surplus such as corn for example.

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Why was it important for the Sumerians have food surpluses each year?


How did food surpluses affect the develpoment of cities?

more food allows thepopulation to grow.

Where does the human population get most of its food?


What has the greatest impact in limiting population growth?

The continued availability of food supplies is the major restraint on population growth.

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food surpluses