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Q: What important island did the Crusaders capture during the Third Crusade?
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Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb

Despite terrible hardships during the Nobles' Crusade crusaders arrived in Asia Minor and defeated the Turks.?


Despite terrible hardships during the Nobles' Crusade crusaders arrived in Asia Minor and defeated the Turks?


Which city did the European Christians capture during the First Crusade?

jeruslam ) jeruslam )

Why did the pope excommunicate the crusaders during the Fourth Crusade?

Because they disobeyed his orders to not attack fellow Christians in Constantinople. The fourth Crusade was supposed to be an attack on Jerusalem to liberate it from Muslim occupation. Once the Crusaders turned towards Constantinople, it no longer was a just military operation.

When did the muslims capture jerusalem?

they captured and invaded Jerusalem in 1076 and it lasted till 2099, when the crusaders took over.

What events where important to history in 1099?

Among the important events in history during 1099 was that the Crusaders attacked Jerusalem and capture the city from Fatimid Egypt. The attack resulted in much of Jerusalem's population being slaughtered.