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Q: What important role does gas exchange play in the plant respiration?
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Why are the leaves so important to the plant?

because leaves play crucial role in photosynthesis and gaseous exchange

Why are the mitochondria in plant cells important?

Mitochondria in plant cells play a crucial role in cellular respiration, the process of converting sugars into usable energy (ATP). They are responsible for producing most of the cell's ATP, which is necessary for various physiological activities. Additionally, mitochondria are involved in other important metabolic processes, such as the synthesis of amino acids and fatty acids.

What is the job of a leaf on a plant?

Leaves are a plant's food factory and play a role in respiration. The roots pull minerals and water up from the soil, and with the sun and some carbon dioxide from the air, the leaves make sugar for the plant to use for survival.

What does not play a role in cytokinesis in plant cells?

Well in theory everything plays a role in cytokinesis. From photosynthesis and respiration in plant cells to provide and release energy for the process, to a person undergoing respiration to return carbon atoms to the environment to provide material for additional cell division (in which cytokinesis is a part of the process).

Do lungs play a part in respiration?

Yes, lungs play a very important part in respiration. They are part of the respiratory system. When you breathe in, air gets into your lungs and exchanges oxygen with carbon dioxide with red blood cells. When you breathe out, the carbon dioxide is released.

What are botanical gardens?

They have many roles. Firstly they are important leisure amenities. They provide collections of plants which are important for education. They often have exhibits which help gardeners with knowledge and ideas. They are also repositories of plant stocks which are important for biodiversity. Botanical gardens play an important role in plant conservation and education.

What is capillary exchange?

Capillary exchange play an important role in homeostasis, it involve the processes of that moves materials across typical capillary wall like diffusion, filtration and reabsorption.

Why is the North Equatorial current important to humans and ocean life?

North Equatorial Current play an important role in water-mass exchange. It also plays an essential role in water and heat exchange between the tropical and subtropical gyres.

Do plants inhale oxygen in respiration?

"Plants" do not possess a diaphragm and thus lack the ability to "inhale", rather they use pores on the surface of the leaf called Stomates. Being able to open and close according to external conditions, Stomates allow plants to exchange airborne gases and play a crucial role in respiration.

What role does respiration play in cells?

the role of safety

What part does cilia play in respiration?

It is the air way.

What role does cellular respiration play in the metabolism of an organism?

Energy is derived from the process of cellular respiration. Metabolism is divided into two processes, anabolism and catabolism.. Respiration is catabolistic, and supplies the energy for life functions.