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Pluto (if you still count it as a planet and not a dwarf planet)

A tip on how to remember all this:"My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas" is a rhyme I remember from 2 grade.


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Q: What in the solar system starts with a letter f?
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What muscle starts with the letter F?

· flexor digiti minimi brevis (little toe and little finger)

A fun fact about earth?

* It is the only planet known to support life in our solar system * 75% of Earth is water. * It is the largest of the inner planets in our solar system * It's hottest temperature ever recorded was 136 degrees F (about 60 degrees C)

Is it possible for human to live on venus?

No. Venus temperature is too hot (462 °C; 863 °F) making it the hottest planet is the solar system.

What are the temperatures of planets in your solar system?

Average temperatures: Venus: 900 °F (482 °C) Mercury: 354 °F (179 °C) Earth: 57.2 °F (14 °C) Mars: -53 °F (-47 °C) Jupiter: -163 °F (-108 °C) Saturn: -218 °F (-139 °C) Neptune: -340 °F (-207 °C) Uranus: -350 °F (-212 °C)

A landform that starts with F?

Fjord, forest, fault, floodplain, fork....If you are talking about countries that start with F......Finland :)

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What is a word that starts with f for the solar system?

Fenrir is a Saturn moon. It begins with the letter F.

Is there a word that begins with f regarding solar system?

Full moon and flares are solar system words. They begin with the letter f.

Word in the solar system that starts with f?

flare, fusion, falling star, frequency

Are there parts of the digestive system that starts with the letter ''f''?


What is a water system that starts with the letter f?

The word is fount. It is a spring or fountain.

What is a letter that starts with a f?

V sounds like it starts with a F, if that helps.

What is a word for extremely hungry that starts with the letter f?

Famished is a word for extremely hungry that starts with the letter F.

What are some forces that begin with the letter F?

a facitionalFacitionFriction is a force that starts with the letter F.

What machine starts with the letter f?

The fax machine is a machine. It begins with the letter F.

What capital of a Northern European country starts with a F?

No capital city in Europe starts with the letter F.

What is a space thing that starts with the letter f?

Flares are a space thing. They begin with the letter f.

Something you shot that starts with letter F?

People shoot film. It begins with the letter f.