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Russia went from a very pro-government state held economy which the US didn't agree with. Then when the USSR fell in 1991, it went to a pro-private industry and everything was privatized and the US felt that, that was a good thing, but the problem was that almost all industries were privatized their was almost no government, or government regulation in business causing prices to increase. So when Putin came to power he brought back the government not to the soviet scale, but to a scale that brought stability, and with this the US feared that Putin was trying to bring back the USSR with his more powerful government policies, but in actuality he is completely conservative and is very much against a reinstatement of the USSR. To the US he seems radical but to most Russians (80%) that he is a very good leader and he did bring stability.

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Q: What in your opinion has been responsible for the reemergence of the cold war especially under the tenure of Putin as president?
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