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Q: What incident marked the passing of the old Brian and the birth of a new one in hatchet?
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How does Brian measure time Hatchet?

In Hatchet, Brian measures time by marking the passing days on the stone next to his shelter. He also records events that happen.

In hatchet how does brian measure time?

In Hatchet, Brian measures time by marking the passing days on the stone next to his shelter. He also records events that happen.

What did brian decide to do to save himself in hatchet?

Brian decided to create a signal fire in order to attract the attention of passing aircraft. He used his hatchet to start a fire and signaled for help by letting it burn high and strong. Eventually, a passing plane spotted the signal and rescued him.

What does brian have with him hatchet?

Brian had a Hatchet that his mother gave him.

What did brian in the hatchet have in his pocket?

A hatchet

Why does Brian throw up in the book hatchet?

Brian throws up in the book Hatchet because he ate a large number of gut cherries, which caused food poisoning. This incident serves as a turning point in the story, highlighting Brian's struggle for survival and emphasizing the risks and challenges he faces in the wilderness.

Where did Brian in the book Hatchet get his Hachet?

Where did Brian in the book Hatchet get his Hatchet

What did Brian decide to do to help save himself from the book hatchet?

Brian decided to make a signal fire to attract rescue. He gathered wood and started a fire using his hatchet to ignite it. He hoped the smoke would alert passing planes or boats to his presence on the island.

How does brian use his hatchet in the book hatchet?


What season is Brian rescued in the book Hatchet?

Brian is rescued in the fall season in the book Hatchet.

In Hatchet how did Brian chip his Hatchet?

Brian was sleeping when a porcupine wandered in.It was dark,and Brian couldn't see what it was,so he threw his hatchet,missed,and hit the hatchet on the rocky wall of his shelter,causing a nick in his hatchet.

What chapter did Brian drop the hatchet in to the lake Hatchet?

Brian drops the hatchet into the lake in Chapter 13 of the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. This moment marks a significant turning point in Brian's survival journey as he realizes he can live without the hatchet.