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a monoclonic increase of IgG globulin

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Q: What indicates multiple myeloma in immunoelectrophoresis test?
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Discuss the meaning of the positive and negative test for bence Jones?

Bence Jones proteins are present in the urine of a patient suffering from multiple myeloma. Positive test means they are present in the urine and so the person probably has multiple myeloma, and if it is negative it means they are absent and so the person does not have the disease

How should patients be prepared for immunoelectrophoresis?

This test requires a blood sample.

What is the laboratory test used to detect and differentiate abnormal levels of specific antibodies?


How is immunoelectrophoresis done?

Immunoelectrophoresis is performed by placing serum on a slide containing a gel designed specifically for the test. An electric current is then passed through the gel, and immunoglobulins, which contain an electric charge, migrate.

What is a Bence Jones protein test?

Bence Jones proteins are small proteins (light chains of immunoblobulin) found in the urine. Testing for these proteins is done to diagnose and monitor multiple myeloma and other similar diseases.

What risks exist for the patient in undergoing immunoelectrophoresis?

Risks for this test are minimal, but may include slight bleeding from the blood-drawing site, fainting or feeling lightheaded after venipuncture, or bruising.

What characteristics does an abnormal ESR test have?

The highest ESR levels are usually seen in a cancer of a certain type of white blood cell (multiple myeloma ) and rheumatoid disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Many other diseases also increase the ESR: infection, kidney.

How would you describe the reaction during moore's test?

Moore's test indicates the presence of a carbohydrates in a specific compound. Gray Color result indicates the carbohydrate is present in a test sample..

What is the purpose of a Bence Jones protein test?

.Multiple myeloma, a tumor of plasma cells, is the disease most often linked with Bence Jones proteins.Physicians use Bence Jones proteins testing to diagnose the disease as well as to check how well the disease is responding to treatment.

What is an abnormal result of a Beta2-microglobulin test?

The meaning of an abnormal result varies with the clinical condition of the person tested.with multiple myeloma, a higher level means a poorer prognosis than a lower level.with kidney disease, an increased blood level means the problem is tubular.

What test indicates the presence of lipids in foods?

Sudan III test

What is the purpose of immunoelectrophoresis?

Immunoelectrophoresis aids in the diagnosis and evaluation of the therapeutic response in many disease states affecting the immune system. It is usually requested when a different type of electrophoresis, called a serum protein.