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probably rabies, unless you have an updated tetanus shot.

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14y ago

Why yes actually, You can git more infections besides rabies from a dog bite, You could git aids.

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11y ago

no because the mammals only have it :)

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I don't know

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Q: What infection could I get from a dog bite?
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How do you draw infection out of a dog bite on a dog?

Go to a veterinarian immediatelyyour dog could die

Can a dog kill a person?

Yes, for example, a dog with Rabies can bite a person, pass on the infection and that person can die.

Which part of the body does the dog bite infection effect?

to the leg its just small scratch

What on a dog would be a red raised bump that oozes puss and blood?

It could be an abscessthat could have been caused by and infection caused by tick bite or another puncture wound.

Can a horses bite infect you?

Yes, because of the germs in their mouth you could get an infection. It's less likely to occur than from something like a dog bite, but it can still get infected. You should see a doctor if the bite has broken the skin in case you need any shots.

Can a dog bite a truck tire?

A dog can bite a truck tire, however it can't perforate the tire, even a lion could not do that.

Is cat Bite dangerous?

Not unless the dog had rabies or the bite was to a fatal spot, such as the neck. Also be aware that a dog bite to a cat can cause an internal infection. The bite may not fester or abcess on the skin, but the infection could become systemic internally. I know this as my beloved cat died this morning after being diagnosed by a veterinarian that a healed bite punctured her lung and introduced bacteria. If your cat loses weight, is not as playful, and more lethargic following a dog bite--even weeks after the fact, there may be an internal infection that is deadly without early treatment.

How serious is a puncture bite from pit bull?

As with any dog bite, there is a risk of infection if the skin is broken. See you Doctor if you have been bitten by any dog, and be sure to investigate to see if the dog is up to date on it's Rabies shots.

Which disease is caused by bite of a mad dog?

a lot of diseases spread from dog saliva going into the bite the dog could hav rabies

What do you do if your dog pees pus?

Peeing pus or blood means a bladder infection, most likely. Take it to a veterinarian before it dies a painful death.

What does it mean if my dog has a red rash near his genitals?

It could mean a number of things. It could be a yeast infection, staph infection, an insect bite or allergy to the insect. Or it could be from other allergies, as well as a number of other causes. You need to take the dog to the vet ASAP to have him diagnosed and treated, and not let him possibly get worse, or suffer in discomfort.

Why do dogs faces swell up?

There are many potential causes, ranging from anaphylactic shock to trauma to infection to cancer. The time frame of the swelling, age and medical history of the dog and geographic location can help narrow this down, but it would take a veterinarian physically examining your dog to make a good diagnosis.