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Name, date of birth and why they need medical attention.

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When providing first aid, you can obtain all sorts of info. It could include the victims injuries, as well as other facts.

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Q: What information do you think a first aider should gain about the patient?
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How the first aider should talke to the patient and how much informations sould he give about the injuries?

The first aider should talk lots to the patient, to reasure the patient and to keep the patient from losing consciousness. Part of the taklking should be questions to get medical history - allergies etc, and recent meals to tell the ambulance crew. Also the first aider should try tactfully to find out how the accident happened so as to be able to write a report in the Accident Book etc.

Risk Factors in Manual Handling Injury?

Wearing latex gloves protects the First Aider from the patient and protects the patient from the first aider. Gloves are worn to protect against H.I.V.; AIDS; and Hepatitis.

What are the responsibilities of a paediatric first aider?

- Indentified the responsibilities of a paediatric first aider

What information do you think a first aider should gain about patient?

If you mean a first aider as in someone certified in 1st aid, assess the current situation (if I step in to administer 1st aid, am I putting myself in danger, creating 2 in need). Assess the victim. Is the victim conscious. If not, follow CPR guidelines. If they are conscious, ask them, or secondly a witness, what happened. Determine victims needs such as are they going into shock, having heat stroke, bleeding out, etc...

Who has the authority to restrain a first aid victim?

As first aid attendants, we DO NOT have the authority to restrain a patient. Psychiatric Nurses have the authority to commit someone, however as a first aider if the patient is uncooperative you must call security or the police.

Why does a first aider have to take off jewelry?

To prevent infection to the patient and also to prevent any germs getting onto your jewellery.

Can an appointed person be an emergency first aider?

Yes, anyone can learn to be a first aider

What information should the first aider gain about the patient?

If there is a bite or sting, you should ask the time of the bite and the species if they know (and are conscious) In DRSABCD go through the response questions of can you hear me, what's your name, open your eyes, squeeze my hand before asking real questions. Once you have done this ask them for $29, then proceed

What are the uses of first aid gloves?

The reason that a first aider uses gloves when touching a victim is because any bodily fluids that come in contact with the first aider may harm them if the first aider has any open cuts or wounds. It is for the protection and safety of the first aider.

What are the hindrances in giving first aid?

There are several reason as to why a first aider will not help a victim. Some of those reasons include:The scene is not safe;The victim requires advance medical attention that the first aider is not trained on;The first aider will look to see if anyone is around to ask them what has happened.

When giving care to a victim after assessing the scene and the victim is lying on his stomach what is the first step the first aider should do?

do first aid

If the first aider resuce breath does not go in the first aider should?

Re-position the airway, check for objects obstructing the airway, then attempt rescue breaths again.