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Q: What ingredient in bread produces carbon dioxide?
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What is the ingredients in bread that produce carbon dioxide?

The ingredient in bread that produces carbon dioxide is yeast.

The ingredient in bread that produces carbon dioxide?


How do yeast form into a bread?

Yeast produces carbon dioxide when they eat which makes those tiny wholes in bread. As yeast produces the carbon dioxide the bread expands and with all the ingredients in the dough of the bread it creates the bread we eat.

Bread rises because fermentation bye yeast produces?

carbon dioxide

What by-product of fermentation cause bread to rise?

Carbon dioxide

What substance produces by alcoholic fermentation makes bread dough rise?

carbon dioxide

What kind of gas does yeast produce?

When glucose is added to yeast in solution, the enzymes inside it turn the mixture into ethanol and carbon dioxide, so, for your question, carbon dioxide. It also respires normally (aerobically) and then too produces carbon dioxide.

What type of gas is released when yeast grows?

Carbon dioxide

What gas is released when yeast undergoes anaerobic respiration?

Yeast produces CO2 gas and sometimes ethenol when it metabolizes sugar.

What produces yeast?

In yeasts, fermentation results in the production of ethanol and carbon dioxide – which can be used in food processing: Bread – Carbon dioxide causes dough to rise (leavening), the ethanol evaporates during baking.

How does does yeast cause bread to rise?

Yeast is a living organism (a fungus). It feeds off the sugar in the bread and respires, meaning that it takes in oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide given out forms bubbles in the thick dough and these become the air spaces found in the bread after it is baked.

How do BIG holes get in White Bread?

Bread gets big holes through the fermentation process. This process produces bubbles of carbon dioxide within the grain of the bread, thus causing holes.