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Q: What ingredients in EMB agar contain carbon and nitrogen?
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What are the ingredients in PEA that supply carbon?

There are many ingredients in PEA that supply carbon. Some of the ingredients are dextrose, yeast extract, animal tissue, and soy peptone.

Which ingredient in a phenylethyl alcohol agar supplies carbon and nitrogen?

pancreatic digest of casein

Which ingredient in PEA supplies carbon?

Casein is the ingredient in PEA that supplies carbon, as well as nitrogen. PEA is also known as Phenylethyl Alcohol Blood Agar.

What is the carbon source in nutrient agar?

Different nutrient agars have different ingredients in them. Agar itself is a polysaccharide (sugar) composed of galactose. Most agars contain some sort of soybean or lipids and also amino acids. Many contain peptone, which is a mixture of polysaccharides and protein.

Which nutrient ingredients are required when preparing a culture medium for bacteria growth?

The key nutrient ingredients required when preparing a culture medium for bacteria growth are a carbon source (like glucose), a nitrogen source (like peptone or ammonium salts), minerals (such as magnesium and potassium), vitamins, and water. Additional ingredients, such as agar for solidification and pH indicators, may also be included depending on the specific needs of the bacteria being cultured.

What would be a nitrogen source for the nutrient broth or agar?

the east extract is the main source of nitrogen in the nutrient broth or agar

Which ingredient supplies carbon in the mannitol salt agar?

mannitol is a type of sugar, so it supplies the carbon in the MSA medium

What else has agar in it?

what foods contain agar

What ingredient in PEA supplies nitrogen?

PEA agar, also referred to as Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar is a medium used by microbiologists to grow microorganisms. The ingredient that supplies nitrogen is casein.

What is the nitrogen source in PEA agar?

Pancreatic digest of casein, papaic digest of soybean meal, beef extract, peptone

What brands contain Agar?

Agar or agar-agar is gelatin substances that can be obtain from algae. In culinary agar refers to a vegetable gelatin that is being used to make jellies, puddings, and custards products.

Ingredients of sabouraud's agar?

sabourauds agar contains the following : peptone : 1 g glucose : 4 g agar :3 g d/w : 100ml PH : 5.4