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If it looks like one, it is a firebrat. there are jumping/non jumping-(2) classes. not sure if hard to smash. If jumps and sam size/general shape (but not appearance) springtails-they have a hard shell and very distinct appearance. See images.

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Q: What insect is shaped like a silverfish is hard to mash and jumps?
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Silverfish? thin, a curved body like a skinny tear drop. (or a fish) 3 cerci at the end of its body. its a flat bug with a hard greyish lusterous shell 2 long antenaes on its head and 3 limbs for crawling they can be found in basements, bathrooms, garages, closets and attics they usually inhabit moist areas

Does silverfish complete or incomplete metamorphsis?

Silverfish go through complete process to get to metamorphosis. The silverfish Metamorphosis is about three to four stages long. Its very hard to see silver fish because of there size. Silverfish are mostly found in your bathroom or in your garage. Silverfish like to eat flies and dead skin of yours. If you find some in your house don't worry because they are harmless. No silverfish do not live in your backyard or the forests. They are mostly found in your house. The last thing you should know about silverfish is that they are 25mm and they live up to 3-7 years of life span. these are the things you should know about silverfish THANK YOU!!!!!

How hard is it to hit jumps snowboarding?

it is not hard to snowboard unless you have no exsperence with balencing

Why does an ant has a hard outer covering?

A hard outer covering protects an insect's soft body and gives the insect its shape.

What are disadvantages of silverfish and army ants?

Silverfish and army ants have a sommensalistic symbiotic relationship. This is because the silverfish benefit, but the army ants are unaffected. The silverfish consume the detritus left over by the army ants and are afforded protection by their presence.

What is an insect with many legs?

Pill bugs, also known as isopods, are shaped like a jelly bean. They have a hard body armor and many legs.

Does an insect called a walking stick have bones?

No insect have bones. They have a hard outer covering, but no bones.

Why were silverfish added to Minecraft?

Silverfish were added to add a danger into stumbling upon an Ender room. These rooms house ender portals and they found them to be too simple and easy. So they decided to add these to make the game a bit more harder, and also for survival maps and other player created things.

Why are jumps so hard in cheerleading?

If they wernt so hard, everyone could do it and it probably wouldnt be called a sport

Why are insect's bodies so hard?

ause they have an exoskelaton

Which insect has hard feelers?

Rove beetles are one example of an insect that has hard feelers or antennae. The Rove beetle's antennae are encased in tough cuticle or exoskeletal armor.

What is a pesky hard shelled insect?

There are many such hard shelled insects, mostly beetles.