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It was a combination of things. Marco Polo brought back things to Europe that became quite popular and that people wanted. In the 1200's food was mushy, filled with bugs, and rotten so the spices were a welcomed addition to food. Clothing was wool and stiff plus scratched the skin so silk was a wonder and the other goods were wanted like gunpowder. The Silk Road was dangerous, expensive, and took a long time so when the compass was introduced to Europe and the sextant came about along with the astrolabe the technology came together to make exploring available. Then, the ships added movable sails and grew bigger. Polo wrote a book that influenced men like Columbus and by 1492 all of the things came together to allow men to explore.

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6mo ago

Explorers during the Renaissance were inspired by several factors. Firstly, the desire for wealth and resources motivated them to find new trade routes and establish trade networks. Secondly, the thirst for knowledge and curiosity about the world pushed them to discover new lands and cultures. Lastly, the spirit of competition among European powers, such as Portugal, Spain, England, and France, spurred explorers to assert dominance by exploring and colonizing new territories.

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Why was the renaissance submarine helpful?

The Renaissance submarine, developed by Leonardo da Vinci, was helpful because it laid the groundwork for future advancements in underwater transportation and exploration. While it was not widely used during the Renaissance, its design principles inspired later innovations in submarine technology.

Why was the Renaissance important for exploration?

The Renaissance fostered a spirit of curiosity and discovery, which fueled exploration by inspiring individuals to seek out new lands and cultures. Advancements in science, technology, and navigation during the Renaissance also enabled explorers to travel greater distances and make important discoveries. Additionally, the increased wealth and power of European nations during this time provided the resources and motivation to support exploration efforts.

Who were the four explorers?

Some famous explorers include Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, and Marco Polo. These explorers made significant contributions to world exploration and discovery during their respective times.

What made him become an explorer?

He became an explorer due to his curiosity about the world and a desire for adventure. He was inspired by stories of other explorers and wanted to discover new lands, cultures, and resources.

When did the first explorers come?

The first explorers began venturing out to different parts of the world during the Age of Exploration, which took place roughly between the 15th and 17th centuries. Notable explorers from this period include Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, and Vasco da Gama.