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By State governments, federal governments, and private enterprise.

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Q: What internal improvements were being made in New York State government in the early 19th century?
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Internal improvements in the first half of the nineteenth century were financed by?

The state governements, the federal govment, and private enterprise. It's all of the above.

In the first half of the nineteenth century internal improvements were supported by who?

The Erie Canal, Transcontinental Railroad, and National Road are some examples of the outcomes of the 19th-Century Internal Improvements. The building of these canals, railroad lines and roads helped improve transportation. These efforts linked the eastern part of the United States with the ever-expanding settlement into the western territories. Henry Clay first promoted this American System in the early 19th century. - Yüri -

What branch of the government determines whether or not to add a new state?

The state government deals with internal security of state .Head of the council of ministers in a state is chief minister.

Write for differences between state and government?

A government has the power to make and enforce laws. A state is a political community that enjoys internal and external sovereignty.

What is internal sovereignity?

"Internal sovereignty" or "state sovereignty" represents the legitimate authority of a state or local government to establish and enforce laws within their jurisdiction. In the US, states retain those prerogatives not expressly granted to the national (Federal) government, so long as they are not exercised in conflict with Federal laws and regulations. A state that has internal sovereignty is one with a government that has been elected by the people and has the popular legitimacy. (Commentary has been moved to the Discussion pages)

Legislation supporting internal improvements encountered difficulty because?

of conflicts over which projects to fund and how to pay for them. Many legislators disagreed on which infrastructure projects should be prioritized and how much federal funding should be allocated. Additionally, there were concerns about the government's role in funding and overseeing these improvements, with debates about whether it was a responsibility of the federal or state governments.

What is internal sovereignty?

"Internal sovereignty" or "state sovereignty" represents the legitimate authority of a state or local government to establish and enforce laws within their jurisdiction. In the US, states retain those prerogatives not expressly granted to the national (Federal) government, so long as they are not exercised in conflict with Federal Laws and regulations. A state that has internal sovereignty is one with a government that has been elected by the people and has the popular legitimacy. (Commentary has been moved to the Discussion pages)

Article IV promises that the federal government will protect each state against .?

invasion and internal violence

What Article IV promise that the federal government will protect each state against?

invasion and internal violence

What does Article IV promise the federal government will protect each state against?

invasion and internal violence

Will the federal government protect all states against foreign invasion and internal violence and rebellion?

The federal government will protect all states against foreign invasion and internal violence and rebellion. This will be done with the cooperation of the governments at the state level.

What was the heart of the Chinese state government from the song dynasty to the end of the dynastic system in the 20th century?
